July 01st- July 20th 2018  - Velez de Benaudalla, Granada, Spain

Exposicion de fotografia surrealista


Exhibition of surrealist phtographies and premiere of Grace & the moon project.


Friday 26 Gennary 2018, 19h - Latina, Italy

Factory 10, Photocafè 

A little class behind the surreal photography.



Saturday 5 August 2017, 20-03h - Fuengirola, Malaga, Spain

Restaurante Casa Mavi

Exhibitions of my surrealist works and the photoproject The Cube

From 29 of May 2017 - Fuengirola, Malaga, Spain

Restaurante Casa Mavi 

Permantent exhibition of part of The cube

26-28 of May 2017 - Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain


Exhibitions of my surreals works shared with the analogic photography by Christian Sorrentino.

Exhibition of part of The cube.


25 April-25 May 2017 - Fuengirola,Malaga, Spain

Mercado La Galeria


Exhibition of my surrealist works.


Saturday 04 March 2017 , 15h - Latina, Italy.

Palazzo M.


Exhibition of my surreal work and The cube project.

